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eDiscovery Consulting

Our team of eDiscovery experts are prepared to assist with every aspect of discovery, including early ESI negotiations, creating a discovery plan, motion practice, meet and confers with counsel, and preparation for depositions.  We can provide end to end support for your case – from inception to resolution.  

eDiscovey Consulting
Workflow Design

Identifying case winning evidence in an exponentially expanding sea of ESI without breaking the bank requires a carefully designed workflow. From internal corporate investigations or chasing hackers through server logs, to 50 million record data dumps, we have seen it all and tried just about every workflow possible to reduce cost and get to actionable intelligence faster. Our experienced team will help you get the most out of your data.


Our Advanced Analytics tools provide an unparalleled litigation advantage. But, too often trial attorneys and General Counsel go “old school” because they do not understand the tools well enough to explain their use to a court. We demystify “machine learning,” “conceptual searching,” and “technology assisted review” to give you the ammunition you need to advocate for your clients.  

Protocol Review

ESI and TAR protocols are among the most significant drivers of discovery cost. A few words on deduplication methods, field level redactions, or even the designated time zone can needlessly cost tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars.  Access our library of court tested provisions and extensive experience with massive litigation data sets to get the right rules for your case established early.

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