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Data Intelligence Reporting

Custom eDiscovery Analysis

Customers can work with our team of data scientists to develop custom metrics providing greater insight into data management, document review, and project management. Our goal is to give you the information you need to improve litigation outcomes and to use funds efficiently. We take a data driven approach to identifying how you can produce case winning documents and save your firm and clients time and money.

Workflow Monitoring

Our data intelligence team can provide insights about your workflow and efficiency, at both a firm and case level. Working with your team, we can make sure you have visibility into the metrics you need to extract case winning information quickly and are using your eDiscovery funds as efficiently as possible. If your workflow is not optimal, know that our seasoned team of eDiscovery professionals can help you come up with the right workflow for the job. We have automated workflows ready for you out of the box, or we can work with you to create custom ones for your case.

Data Management Reporting

With Data Management Reporting, clients can monitor data management and storage needs to reduce costs and better leverage existing data in new cases. With our reporting, clients understand where their data is being stored and how they can use that data for both current and future projects. We routinely use these metrics to recommend moving data between different types of storage such as active review, repository, or cold storage, depending on the stage of the litigation. Promoting data to more robust but higher cost platforms only when necessary helps our customers use dollars more efficiently, and our data management reporting helps us manage this with full visibility. 

User Monitoring

With our User Monitoring reports, clients can develop custom metrics and data visualizations to manage their team and users effectively across platforms and tools. This creates greater visibility into user efficiency and helps the trial team decide which toolsets are necessary for which team members. We actively manage users to identify where licensing fees can be reduced by deactivating users that do not regularly access the platforms. Our data intelligence drives efficiency and helps to inform cost saving strategies for our customers. 

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