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How is RelativityOne different from Relativity Server?While there are many differences, the three most significant are: Automated Workflows. Unlike Relativity Server, RelativityOne has Automated Workflows which dramatically reduce admin time, and therefore time to value. Repository workspaces. With RelativityOne, you have access to repository workspaces, which are streamlined workspaces for performing Early Case Assessment while providing more cost-effective pricing for storing data that may not be actively used in a case. The flexibility of the cloud. Because RelativityOne is cloud based, the administrative burden is entirely managed by Relativity. The Relativity team manages server troubleshooting, infrastructure, scaling, etc. all with the security backed by the Calder7 Team. With RelativityOne, know that you will have access to cutting edge tools which will be made available four times more often than on Relativity Server.
Is my data secure?RelativityOne’s datacenter is protected by the Calder7 group, giving you comfort your data is protected at all times, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Can I review my documents on a mobile device?Yes - one of our favorite features of RelativityOne is the ability to quickly review documents on an iPad. This fits in perfectly into the workflow of the on-the-go lawyer.
What are the benefits of Sift's Analytics Model Library?Our Analytics Model Library gives you access to many prebuilt and tested analytics models. This means we can apply Active Learning to your project sooner with our expertly trained models, giving you faster time to value.
Why do customers choose to use Automated Workflows?Customers use RelativityOne's Automated Workflows to reduce administrative burden, saving you time and money while setting up workspaces and performing other redundant tasks.
Who is IPRO?IPRO is a software company in legal technology, best known among litigators as the creator of Trial Director. The team at IPRO have created an eDiscovery tool that seamlessly processes data directly into their state-of-the-art document review platform.
Is IPRO similar to Relativity? Is it different?IPRO is similar to Relativity in that it is a review platform offering analytics features such as email threading, near duplication detection, clustering and concept searching, just to name a few. IPRO delivers a powerful search and review tool in an easy-to-use interface, compatible with any browser or device.
Is my data secure?Yes. We own and operate our own on-premise data center. Our team of IT specialists designed and manage our network with state of the art network, servers, and firewalls.
What if some of my data gets deleted?We hope you don't delete your data, but just in case you do, we maintain multiple onsite and offsite backups of your data.
Can I review documents on my iPad?Yes. One of our favorite features of IPRO is that it supports HTML5 and is usable on tablet devices.
How soon after I send you documents will they be uploaded?In most cases we can turn around data within 24 to 48 hours. However, this depends on the size and type of data.
Can I upload to my own case without tech support?Yes. If your data size is 30 GB or less, IPRO allows you to directly ingest data into your own case.
Can you process forensic image files?Yes. We can process directly from a forensic image file into your case.
Do you have document reviewers to assist with projects?Yes. We have the capability to scale to any project size. We work with Cinder, our sister company, to provide top-notch attorneys and paralegals for review projects.
Will I have a Project Manager assigned to my case?Yes, if you have a review project, you will have a dedicated Project Manager assigned to you. Otherwise, you will have a designated point of contact to service your account. We use a team based approach to ensure that you get the assistance you need with all aspects of your case.
Do you offer training to new users?Yes. We offer web-based training for all new customers at no cost.
Do you charge to run a production?Yes. Our technicians charge an hourly rate to run productions. The amount of time is dependent on the production request.
Do you use Cellebrite to capture data from mobile phones?Yes. We can capture mobile phone data as well as data across a variety of messaging services such as Slack, iMessage, etc.
Can you run a Trial Director for my case?Yes. With our IPRO partnership, we can provide you with Trial Director. Furthermore, you can hire our technicians as trial technicians. Email us at for more information on Trial Director.
What notice do I need to provide Sift when my case ends?Please email and your account representative to advise us that your case has ended. We require thirty days’ notice.
Who are Sift Discovery and Vital Enterprises?Sift is a full-service eDiscovery company run by experienced trial attorneys and paralegals. Our parent company, Vital Enterprises, has in its stable some of the most recognized names in Information Technology and Business Management, with subsidiaries such the VTM Group, Novus Labs, Cinder and many more. Sift leverages this combination of trial expertise and IT excellence to provide a simple, superior eDiscovery experience.
Will Sift's attorneys represent us?No, our employees will not have an attorney client relationship with the law firm or attorney (or the client of the law firm or attorney) who engages our services. We work under the direction of trial teams and act as agents for the attorney or law firm on the case, within their privilege as agents. We can assist your attorneys on large review structure, Electronically Stored Information (ESI) protocols, and requests for production as consultants or agents, but our staff cannot practice law. When we provide attorneys for managed review or other contract services, we will work with you to ensure that there are no conflicts present in the matter at hand.
What are my ethical obligations in electronic discovery?ABA Model Rule 3.4 provides that a “lawyer shall not unlawfully obstruct another party’s access to evidence or unlawfully alter, destroy or conceal a document or other material having potential evidentiary value.” To avoid spoliation claims and adhere to Model Rule 3.4, attorneys must have a firm grasp on their client’s email and network infrastructure to be able to competently identify, preserve, and collect relevant documents. The first step in the process is issuing a litigation hold. Competent representation requires lawyers to have knowledge of the legal principles governing preservation and to be able to both identify their client’s sources of potentially relevant ESI and implement the litigation hold that satisfies their client’s obligations to preserve relevant ESI. To ensure that electronic documents and data are properly preserved, the collection process should include interviews with document custodians to gain a better understanding of the location of all potentially relevant ESI. (*Note: Working with Sift does not create an attorney-client relationship. We are a service provider and act as an agent of the attorneys and law firms that engage our services on behalf of their clients. The above information is provided for convenience; attorneys are responsible for reaching their own determinations on their ethical obligations.)
Do you testify as experts?Yes. We have provided expert testimony on data collection, chain of custody, metadata, and electronic document manipulation. Email us at for more information.
What is an ESI Protocol?An ESI Protocol is an agreement between the parties to litigation which controls the scope of collection, format of production, and the handling of privilege information and logs. We can help you develop an ESI protocol for your case or keep you in compliance with an existing ESI Protocol.
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