We are proud to be a RelativityOne Certified Partner, offering Relativity's powerful cloud based eDiscovery software. With RelativityOne, organizations can streamline their technology stack to manage large volumes of complex and unstructured data.
RelativityOne offers powerful automations and integrated artificial intelligence tools, allowing firms to save time and money, and improve litigation outcomes.

RelativityOne Ecosystem
Industry's Most Trusted Platform
RelativityOne is the most widely used review platform and advanced integrated analytics system so you can find relevant data faster.
One Centralized Solution
With RelativityOne, you can hold, collect, process, review, and produce — all in one platform.
Powerful Integrated AI
Approved by courts across the globe, our powerful tools enable you to defensibly investigate and review data faster.

Cut the Noise with Court Approved Analytics
Clustering groups and displays conceptually similar documents. This helps users identify key topics relating to the case and makes coding similar documents more efficient.
Categorization allows users to identify a priority order for document review, find critical data from opposing counsel, and automatically apply coding decisions to similar documents.
Active Learning
Your coding decisions train our Active Learning Models using machine learning, to automatically apply coding decisions to similar documents. This speeds up your review process using machine time.

Uncover the Nuances of Human Language
Keyword Expansion and Concept Searching
Keyword expansion helps users find unexpected or hidden words to make sure you don't miss any responsive and relevant documents.
Concept searching allows you to find conceptually similar documents across a database without needing an exact word or phrase.
Textual Near Duplicate Identification
Identify nearly identical documents so you can code them once, saving you time in review.
Language Detection
Language detection identifies primary and secondary languages in each document, helping to inform your litigation and review strategy.
Unleash the Power of Structured Data

Name Normalization
Communication Analysis
Email Threading
Email Threading allows users to understand the scope of an email thread. With email thread visualization, you can see an email thread's structure, and quickly identify missing emails and information.
Communication Analysis is a way to visually identify which individuals communicate with whom, about what, and at what frequency. This gives you deeper insights into your custodian's communication behavior.
With Name Normalization, you can aggregate a person's email addresses to quickly see the entire scope of communications. You can save these to use across different cases.
Sift's Analytics Model Library
An Extensive Library
Our team has managed review of over 100,000,000 records using industry leading advanced analytics tools. We’ve amassed a library of analytics models to jump start your review and help you identify potentially responsive documents right out of the gate.

Case Specific
Lawsuit Type
Sift Automated Workflow (SAW)
Save Time, Save Money
We've developed robust automated workflows to dramatically reduce admin time and human error, getting you key documents even faster.
RelativityOne offers dtSearch, Threading, TND, Repeated Content, Name Normalization, Language ID, Concept and Classification Indices, and batching.
Here are some results for a case comparing Linear Review and Review using SAW:

Our Relativity Certifications